On-Site Attendance Systems
Track accurate check-in and check-out times of your employees while ultimately upholding the zero-contact protocol. On-site biometric systems with contactless facial recognition, palm recognition, thermal scanning, mask detection, and temperature detection features ensure better hygiene and maintain greater efficiency in employee attendance throughout your organization.
Mobile App
Managing your remote workforce is no longer a tall order. Our robust yet user-friendly mobile app with an on-cloud instant facial recognition feature allows feet-on-street employees to mark their attendance from anywhere in the world. The geofencing feature helps set geographic restrictions while geotagging aids in tracking and confirming locations of full-time, part-time, contract, and gig workers.
Tablet App
An easy-to-manage and cost-effective way to record accurate time and attendance of field workers. Best suited for a workforce at kiosks or work locations, the tablet app allows diversified workgroups to log in and mark attendance using a single device. The geofencing feature supervisors monitor and engage with workers working in different locations and effectively track their attendance.
Web Punch
Leverage the full potential of the web. Securtime’s flagship Web Punch application is a full-fledged, holistic, cloud-powered web platform that allows both on-premise and work-from-home employees to clock in and clock out quickly and effortlessly. The centralized cloud storage gives a broad scope for management to access and process employee data quickly and easily.
We are trusted by more than 1 million people worldwide.
Upgrade your time and attendance systems with Securtime’s workforce management systems.